
The Festive Season!

The end of the year is upon us once again. With it comes snow, wind, and a whole heap of goodies from Frog Play! Why not unlock a Christmas Tree outfits for your Avatar, or switch up your background to a winter wonderland? Maybe you’ve changed your Avatar outfit to something smarter for a festive party, or an ‘ugly’ winter jumper.

Whatever your Avatar outfit is, we want to see it! Take a screenshot (cropped) or snip (Win+Shift+S on windows) and show us what your unique style is! Also if you need some extra bits, here are some unlock codes you may never have seen before!

Lookin’ smooth!

25120 – Christmas Things

02512 – Reindeer Nose and Antlers

Whatever you’re doing this festive season, have fun, and we’ll see you in the new year for WAY more unlock codes, new games and even more!